Michele Rae is a Transformational Intuitive Coach and Spiritual Teacher. She offers guidance through coaching, classes, transmissions, and activations to individuals and groups integrating and embodying higher frequencies as humanity and the earth evolves into a new era. We are adjusting to emerging divine templates and upgrading our physical biology as well as our energetic systems. Working with Michele accelerates and amplifies this natural process of becoming our most empowered authentic self.
This transformative process occurs as Michele supports clients gaining clarity and power through exposing and unblocking limiting beliefs, stuck patterns, and fears. Clients become more confident as they enhance their gifts, talents, wisdom, and passions. This expands their capacity to access higher levels of consciousness. Living aligned with their Center Within, clients choose timelines that have impactful positive outcomes for themselves and the collective.
Michele is founder of The Center Within, author of Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming, and graduate faculty at the University of Minnesota. She has a master’s degree in human development, is an ordained spiritual director, and board-certified coach. Michele offers self-paced recorded teachings and mediations. Her live classes, events, and coaching sessions are offered in person and online.
To learn more or for questions: Michele@CenterWithin.com 612-465-9775 www.CenterWithin.com
The Center Within provides Transformational Intuitive Coaching by Michele Rae. She offers guidance through coaching, classes, transmissions, and activations to individuals and groups integrating and embodying higher frequencies as humanity and the earth evolves into a new era. We are adjusting to emerging divine templates and upgrading our physical biology as well as our energetic systems. Working with Michele accelerates and amplifies this natural process of becoming our most empowered authentic self individually and collectively.
Michele Rae supports clients through coaching, classes, transmissions, and activations as they gain clarity and power through exposing and unblocking limiting beliefs, stuck patterns, and fears. Clients become more confident as they enhance their gifts, talents, wisdom, and passions. This expands their awareness and capacity, increasing access to higher levels of consciousness. Living aligned with their Center Within, clients choose timelines that have impactful positive outcomes for themselves and the planet.
Michele is founder of The Center Within, author of Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming, and graduate faculty at the University of Minnesota. She has a master’s degree in human development, is an ordained spiritual director, and board-certified coach. Michele offers self-paced recorded teachings and meditations. Her live classes, events, and coaching sessions are offered in person and online.
Michele infuses her offerings with wisdom from lifetimes as multiple light beings in various star systems. An aspect of Michele’s multidimensional being is part of a counsel of light embodying the emerging higher octaves now available. She supports clients as they attune and integrate this higher electromagnetic frequency aligned with the emerging template grid system supporting humanities evolution. Her service includes radiating activations and light codes providing adjustments to support, accelerate, and amplify her client’s highest potential.
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