Contact Information

Neil Gaur is the Founder of Portal to Ascension… a conscious event production company created in 2008 that hosts a wide range of presenters on a variety of topics such as the origins of humanity, the existence of Extraterrestrial life, exposing hidden truths and exploring the nature of reality. He travels the world facilitating gatherings and filming documentaries that are intended to empower the individual to reclaim their sovereignty and awaken to their full potential. Neil also operates an online platform that creates and facilitates about 110 conferences and workshops a year. At this point Portal to Ascension has worked with over 1500 researchers, spiritualists, scientists, consciousness explorers and more. Neil is a philosopher, historian, researcher and spoken word artist. He presents his research on the ancient wisdom and future science of sound, vibration & frequency; as well as in depth explorations into ancient civilizations, archeological discoveries, space anomalies, shedding light on hidden esoteric wisdom and exploring ways in which we can create unity and peace on Earth.

Portal To Ascension is an event production company and media platform providing a stream of awareness on a range of empowering, paradigm-shifting topics since 2001. We produce online events such as webinars, conferences and courses, as well as in-person events such as conferences, festivals, and single-speaker workshops and talks. The Portal To Ascension platform is a resource for awakening to the truth of our existence while exploring the nature of reality and the cosmos. Our efforts are aimed at manifesting full disclosure of:

Humanity’s ancient origins
The truth of the Extraterrestrial presence
The release of advanced technology utilized consciously
Transparency within business and global economic affairs
An understanding beyond our third dimensional perception.