Ella will unravel some quintessential “End Times Prophesies” that dovetails into today’s UFO Disclosure era of the Alien Presence. Ella will unravel some quintessential “End Times Prophesies” that dovetails into today’s UFO Disclosure era of the Alien Presence and how its connected to these ancient galactic battles over Earth while the passing of the Nemesis-Nibiru System now intersects within our Solar System, which will be presented through photos and videos from various NASA, SOHO, space telescopes as well as the ISS. She will share her understanding of the real Star Wars that officially began during the Reagan Administration when they launched the Strategic Defense Initiative dubbed Star Wars by the former President Reagan, which is detailed in her 5th book, The Heavens, along with connecting dots to the real Star Trek (America’s real secret space program) proving Truth is Stranger than Fiction.