Paid Programs March 2023

Soul Vibes With Jeni Ji

Jeni Ji Cousins is a international known television clairvoyant psychic medium, animal communicator, esoteric spiritual life coach & teacher, past life akashic record readings, meditation teacher, relationship coach, transformation coach & pranic healer. Jeni reads into your level of consciousness to see where you’re at, your souls’ previous lifetimes and what karmic situations you need to resolve. She channels her clairvoyant insights etc & answers all your questions giving you clarity & what steps you need to take to help you transcend and shift forward. She has been doing readings for 40 years .Jeni Ji hosted and produced a live spiritual talk show on Shaw TV Television studios for over 4 years and booked clients & interviewed them & took calls from the viewers doing readings & answering their questions. Jeni has been on many north American radio shows & was interviewed many times in magazines, pod casts & radio shows worldwide. You can also catch her column in sfyogamagazine called “Just Ask Jeni Ji “.

Every 4th Saturday

10:00 AM MST

One on One Booking

Time Slot Will Be Emailed

$230 (Individual Session)

Individual and fresh registration needs to happen for each month's show. Once registered our team will send you an exclusive event zoom link, couple of hours before the event

Sevyn from the Stars

Live Healing Show Every second Saturday of the month at 8 PM Mountain Time. This seven-year-old can see through the universe. At the age of six, she already knows her mission to heal as many people as she can and awakens the children of the world to their own, true potential. The fee collected will toward Sevyn’s education fund

Monthly Show Every Saturday

8 pm MST

Individual and fresh registration needs to happen for each week's show. Once registered our team will send you an exclusive event zoom link, couple of hours before the event (Monday)

Watch the below free events. Feel her energy and powers.

Share the spotlight with Joan of Angels as she takes you on the wings of love to fuel your courage and ignite your power

Be a part of the show every Sunday at 8:00 AM pst/ 9:00 AM mst to discover and grow your inner power. Each week Joan invites three guests to spotlight and support through calling in their angels and guides to provide personal direction. Throughout the show Joan will also provide meditation, healings, activations, clearings, affirmations, channelings, readings and other services as prompted by the Angelic Realm.

Weekly Show Every Sunday Mornings

9 am MST

$11.11 (Per Entry)

Individual and fresh registration needs to happen for each week's show. Once registered our team will send you an exclusive event zoom link, couple of hours before the event (Saturday)