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Rob was born in 1980 and in 2007 he went to a spiritualism church to get his life back on track. As a child he was blessed with psychic abilities but as he got older he digressed and so did the abilities. As he started learning from the great psychics in his area he learned many things. Including many experiences that he had as a child which were not figments of “just his imagination”. He continued to learn more through his meditations and began the (Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience) and after a couple years of working with his remembered abilities every day, and really being dedicated about them, He met Treb Bor yit-NE.

Rob Gauthier is a deep trance channeler and has publicly channeled since 2010. Rob is one of the most respected trance channelers in the world. For more than a decade, he has helped thousands of individuals receive clarity on their life path and mission. Rob primarily works with three main guides – Aridif, Treb Bor Yit-Ne, and Metatron – but has channeled hundreds of ET consciousnesses. Rob is also an in-demand speaker and teacher and has has been featured in many documentaries, internet shows, interviews, and books for his unique channeling abilities.

ET Whisperer with Rob Gauthier– We are committed to providing information and practices that support self empowerment, healing, and growth. Our goal is to bring you the information and opportunities for self reflection that assist you on your path. Reminder that with all guidance, the first priority is your own heart’s knowing.  No guide outside is ever an apt substitute for your own heart and integrity. All power and direction comes from within you. Knowing the struggles that can occur in life, we often block so much of our own guidance. The content and services offered through E.T. Whisperer is a unique way to re-integrate this system of internal guidance.