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Sarah @WildlyAlive
Shamanic Practitioner & Living Energy Healer in the tradition & lineage of the Q’ero of Peru | Soul Reconnection Technique TM Practitioner | Become your own healer ~ Reconnect to your inner knowing, shift your perceptions and free yourself from your stories. Step deeply onto your soul's path, walk the beauty way and become Wildly Alive! We never have to look outside ourselves to create change. It begins with curiously exploring our inner ecosystem to discover and release old looping patterns and cycles of suffering. I will help you create energetic space within, teach you how to cultivate your inner world, and tend to the healing process as you transcend the conditioned mind, directly experience the fullness of freedom in each moment and connect deeply to all of the wildly alive support you have available to you.
KAren Swain
Teacher of Deliberate Creation KAren Activates, Accelerates, Acclimates and Accentuates the New World Teachers. Supporting the Light-Weavers and Difference Makers bringing in a new dawn of reality. KAren is one of Australia’s Foremost Thought Leaders and Change Agents, Showing you the way to a Happier, Healthier More Fulfilling Connected Multidimensional Life KAren Swain is a Spiritual Teacher, Mentor, Educator and Galactic Guide; radio/podcast host for ATP Media, author, inspirational speaker and facilitator of event, seminars and conferences; KAren enlightens you to the power of your thoughts and beliefs, how they create your reality and how to live in alignment with your emotional guidance system. This is guidance on a Cosmic Scale. Remember your connection to your spiritual teams, your multidimensional selves and Higher wisdom. Who you are, why you are here and how you help this world. The capital A in my name is to get you to ask, “how do you pronounce your name?” KAren, is pronounced like a motor CAR, with a hard A. Something my mother was very insistent about when I was a child. This sound evokes the frequency of the Heart. 💗 KA is also the name the Egyptians gave to the Soul. Services: Personal Sessions, Readings and Healing; Online Group Sessions, Conferences and Courses, Books, Writing Coaching, Festivals, Events and Your dreams are BIGGER than YOU! When you transform your habitual limiting thought patterns, the life of your dreams SHOWS UP and you become a powerful force of transformation in this world!
Diana Donnelly
My original roots are Lyran and have several incarnations on this planet and others connected to the Sirians and the Cassiopeian/Andromedan race. In this life and lately, I specialize in Multidimensional Readings, Quantum Sphere healing , Divine Light Healing (including Angel Alchemy) and House Blessings. Messages are increasing from the various Light Dimensions. I own Healing Dimensions in Southwest Colorado...and offer both in-person & remote sessions. I also do light grounding, clearings & grid type work and I am very connected with nature.. I look forward to hearing what your experiences are in this remarkable universe. You can find my videos on CAN on the channel - Walk Between the Worlds
Mack Malhotra
10+ years of Experience in IT. Have practiced the Design Thinking approach across all F&A processes. Truly believes in Learning & Innovation go hand in hand. Design thinking + Domain Knowledge + Digital Focus = Process Transformation
Sheila Seppi
Sheila Seppi is a soul exchange walk-in. She entered the body of a 38-year-old mother with three children and was instantaneously healed from documented illnesses and took on a new personality with spiritual gifts and memories she didn’t even believe in. Her life was immediately transformed, and she has never been the same. Her first soul experience was in the Angelic realm where she was given the name Nawaila (Na-wai-la) by her original star family. Her souls is a combination of her Angelic, Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian, Lyran, Mantis, and Andromedan multidimensional Christ Consciousness linage. She arrived from her collective with a mission to be a way-shower for humanity by helping people to spiritually awaken and evolve. When she leaves this life, she will return to her 7th density collective. Sheila, celebrated author of Walk-Ins Cosmology of the Soul, is an international speaker, multidimensional life coach, healer, regression therapist, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual teacher. She works the higher dimensional frequencies to empower others to embrace their own higher natures through a variety of services. She is the Founder of the Conscious Awakening Network, The Galactic Alliance, SpiritWay Ministries, and podcast host for Conscious Awakening Series with Sheila Seppi, and Cosmic Conversations.