Archangel Metatron Pendant


Are you sensitive to people’s emotions? Can you feel when someone is upset or emotional? Can you feel a room when entering it? Are you impacted or drained just going to the grocery store?The more sensitive you are, the more impactful the anklet will be.


  • Archangel Metatron
    • Is an Archangel Metatron Pendant suitable for you?
      • Are you sensitive to people’s emotions? Can you feel when someone is upset or emotional?
      • Can you feel a room when entering it?
      • Are you impacted or drained just going to the grocery store?
      • The more sensitive you are, the more impactful the anklet will be.
    • Some background on the creation of the Archangel Metatron Pendant
      • The Archangel Metatron pendant, which the Archangel guided the creation of, merges the power and energy of Tensor Technology and the power of crystals. Its product came from the visual impact of the anklets on a 3D partner who could not accept energy tools. So the Archangel guided the design of the pendant form of the anklet to be visually invisible to the 3D impaired. 
    • This pendant contains two tensor rings that work on the heart, higher heart emotional, and etheric body. There are five selected crystals which are their combined power.
    • What you can expect when wearing the Archangel Metatron Pendant
      • You can feel it!
      • The pendant is highly effective at shielding you from all the energies around you and has calming and healing benefits( once you remove the energies bombarding you ).
      • The Pendant creates an energy field similar to a dome of light around you above the emotional energy field. Thereby shielding you from energies around you, whether it is people, places, or planets.
      • When wearing this pendant, it connects to your auric field and creates a protective light around your subtle bodies of light. This force field will protect your core energy field from lower influences, including environmental, building, negative energies/entities, and people. The pendant will work directly with the client’s conscious intentions. Doing this will enable us to understand how powerful we can be as aspects of the source. *Note: for example, if the intent is to remove and keep away negative energies, we recommend infusing the pendant with pure love and light.


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