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Teacher of Deliberate Creation KAren Activates, Accelerates, Acclimates and Accentuates the New World Teachers. Supporting the Light-Weavers and Difference Makers bringing in a new dawn of reality. KAren is one of Australia’s Foremost Thought Leaders and Change Agents, Showing you the way to a Happier, Healthier More Fulfilling Connected Multidimensional Life

KAren Swain is a Spiritual Teacher, Mentor, Educator and Galactic Guide; radio/podcast host for ATP Media, author, inspirational speaker and facilitator of event, seminars and conferences; KAren enlightens you to the power of your thoughts and beliefs, how they create your reality and how to live in alignment with your emotional guidance system. This is guidance on a Cosmic Scale. Remember your connection to your spiritual teams, your multidimensional selves and Higher wisdom. Who you are, why you are here and how you help this world.

The capital A in my name is to get you to ask, “how do you pronounce your name?” KAren, is pronounced like a motor CAR, with a hard A. Something my mother was very insistent about when I was a child. This sound evokes the frequency of the Heart. 💗 KA is also the name the Egyptians gave to the Soul.

Services: Personal Sessions, Readings and Healing; Online Group Sessions, Conferences and Courses, Books, Writing Coaching, Festivals, Events and
Your dreams are BIGGER than YOU! When you transform your habitual limiting thought patterns, the life of your dreams SHOWS UP and you become a powerful force of transformation in this world!