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Mack Malhotra
10+ years of Experience in IT. Have practiced the Design Thinking approach across all F&A processes. Truly believes in Learning & Innovation go hand in hand. Design thinking + Domain Knowledge + Digital Focus = Process Transformation
Glenda Dawson
Glenda Dawson, Owner, and Founder of Glenda’s Magical Creations Spiritual Center, in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania and is an Ordained, Non-Denominational Minister. Glenda is the owner of Glenda’s Magical Creations channel on the Conscious Awakening Network. A Holistic and Spiritual Teacher, Published Author. Glenda is certified in various lineages of Reiki healing including but not limited to Usui Reiki Grandmaster/ Teacher 25th Level, Karuna Ki Reiki Grandmaster/ Teacher, Kundalini Reiki Grandmaster/Teacher, Elemental Reiki Grandmaster/Teacher, Wicca Reiki Grandmaster/ Teacher, Dragon Fire Reiki Grandmaster/Teacher, Quantum Vortex Reiki Grandmaster/Teacher, Right Hand Path Reiki Grandmaster Magus and Children’s Teacher 10th Level, Galactic Shaman, Earth Shaman and Egyptian Shaman, DNA Activation Practitioner, Renowned published Psychic and Medium, Tarot/Angel Card Reader/Teacher, Certification provider, Past Life Regression Practitioner, Animal Communicator, Multidimensional Channeler/communicator, Spiritual Life/Intuitive Coach/ Mentor, Paranormal Investigator/ Remediator, and Light Language Channeler. For more on Glenda go to
Sheila Seppi
Sheila Seppi is a soul exchange walk-in. She entered the body of a 38-year-old mother with three children and was instantaneously healed from documented illnesses and took on a new personality with spiritual gifts and memories she didn’t even believe in. Her life was immediately transformed, and she has never been the same. Her first soul experience was in the Angelic realm where she was given the name Nawaila (Na-wai-la) by her original star family. Her souls is a combination of her Angelic, Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian, Lyran, Mantis, and Andromedan multidimensional Christ Consciousness linage. She arrived from her collective with a mission to be a way-shower for humanity by helping people to spiritually awaken and evolve. When she leaves this life, she will return to her 7th density collective. Sheila, celebrated author of Walk-Ins Cosmology of the Soul, is an international speaker, multidimensional life coach, healer, regression therapist, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual teacher. She works the higher dimensional frequencies to empower others to embrace their own higher natures through a variety of services. She is the Founder of the Conscious Awakening Network, The Galactic Alliance, SpiritWay Ministries, and podcast host for Conscious Awakening Series with Sheila Seppi, and Cosmic Conversations.